The concept relies on customers paying a monthly fee to have access to an online platform where they can rent a number of clothes dependant on their subscription amount. Each item of clothing will be in circulation for 3-6 months, however the customer can keep an item longer if they wish. If the item of clothing is returned within the 3-6 months, it will be reissued for the next customer. If it is returned after this period, the fabric will be reprocessed and turned into new materials as well as all zips and buttons being reused. The out of date returned clothes will then be recycled to create stylish new pieces of clothing.
Capsule Collective
University of Leeds Final Major Project. Capsule Collective is a sustainable fashion subscription service. The aim of the brand is to re-create the shopping experience by introducing a leasing system where by customers rent their clothes instead of buying them. The mission is to design the service, experience and advertising that will change shopper’s thinking, habits and actions through the way that they purchase and care for their clothes.